St. Vincent de Paul Society is asking for donations of: macaroni & cheese, breakfast foods, peanut butter, canned chili, canned tuna and canned fruits. “Thank you” to all who have made donations to their Poor Box and to the Food Box. Your donations enable them to assist those who are struggling financially at this time.
“KNOW YOUR RIGHTS” WORKSHOP - SPANISH All Spanish speaking immigrants are invited to a “Know Your Rights” Workshop in Spanish on Wednesday, March 12, from 7:30-8:30 pm St. Jerome Parish Hall, 2402 33rd Street, Kenner, LA 70065
Se invita a todos los inmigrantes hispanohab lantes a un taller en Espanol titulado “Conozca Sus Derechus” el miercoles 12 de marzo, de 7:30 a 8:230 pm en el Salon Parroquial de San Jeronimo, 2402 33rd Street, Kenner, La 70065